Main Interface


  1. Minimize Minimize the Window.
  2. Help Display the Help file.
  3. Exit Exit the program.
  4. File Create a new file or open an existing file.
  5. Record Start recording. Remember to select a file name and the appropriate properties before recording.
  6. Stop Stop recording or playing.
  7. Play Play a file.
  8. Preferences Select the recording properties, see more details.
  9. Status Window Display the file name; file size, playing time, recording quality, and recording status.
  10. Wave Moniter During recording this window displays waveforms like those seen on an oscilloscope. Use these waves as a guide in setting your record levels. If no wave is visible, no audio is being recorded.
  11. Progress Bar Shows approximate time position within a file being played.
  12. Record List Display the names of all recorded files. Double-clicking a file name will begin playback of that file and will play the remaining files in the list sequentially. Right-clicking the file name will pop up a menu which will allow you to send the file as an e-mail attachment or open the folder containing the files.
  13. Schedule Allows you to set a timer to record audio programs automatically.
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